넥슨은 삼성전자와 기술협약을 맺고 신작 게임 ‘퍼스트 디센던트’에 고화질 영상 표준 기술인 ‘HDR10+ 게이밍(GAMING)’을 세계 최초로 적용했다고 21일 밝혔다.
HDR10+는 밝기와 색상표현의 범위를 확장해 실감나는 영상을 구현해내는 가장 최신의 이미지 변환 처리 기술로, 디스플레이 제조, 영상 콘텐츠 제작, 플랫폼 서비스 등 다양한 부문에서 활용되고 있다. 게임 분야에 처음 적용되는 ‘HDR10+ 게이밍’은 게임 콘텐츠의 장면과 프레임을 분석해 게임의 입체감을 높이고, 응답속도와 HDR모드 자동 전환 등의 편의성을 제공하는 게이밍 전용 화질 기술이다.
‘퍼스트 디센던트’는 3인칭 루트슈터 게임으로, 넥슨게임즈의 슈팅게임 및 RPG 노하우를 기반으로 개발 중이다. 넥슨은 오는 23일 독일 쾰른에서 열리는 ‘게임스컴 2023′의 삼성전자 부스에서 HDR10+ 게이밍 기술이 적용된 ‘퍼스트 디센던트’ 영상을 시연하였다.
Samsung and NEXON Revolutionize Gaming with World's First HDR10+ GAMING Title, 'The First Descendant'
(출처 : https://www.koreaittimes.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=124407)
Samsung Electronics has introduced the world's inaugural gaming title incorporating the revolutionary High Dynamic Range (HDR) 10+ GAMING standard pioneered by HDR10+ Technologies LLC.
NEXON, the developer behind the creation, is set to reveal the game, titled "The First Descendant," at Gamescom 2023.
Unveiling as the pioneering gaming title that harnesses the full potential of the HDR10+ GAMING standard, "The First Descendant" is on the cusp of delivering an unparalleled HDR gaming experience characterized by responsiveness, precision, and seamlessness.
“We’re thrilled to join forces with NEXON, a true pioneer in video games, to introduce the world’s first HDR10+ GAMING title, ‘The First Descendant,’” said Seokwoo Jason Yong, Executive Vice President of the Visual Display Business at Samsung Electronics. “This is a gaming milestone that goes beyond mere technological advancement; it represents Samsung’s continued commitment to enhance the gaming experience as technology evolves.”
HDR10+ GAMING promises gamers a superlative HDR gaming venture enhanced by intensified color, contrast, and luminance. Moreover, it showcases intricate details in both dark shadows and radiant highlights, empowering players to become fully engrossed in their gaming escapades.
The HDR10+ GAMING standard also streamlines user experience by obviating the need for intricate manual adjustments. Additionally, it facilitates enriched gameplay by ensuring minimal latency and incorporating variable refresh rate support for nearly instantaneous responses.
Hyun Kim, Executive Vice President and Deputy Head of Business Development at NEXON, emphasized the transformative potential of adopting HDR10+ GAMING, stating that it has redefined the way games come to life. The partnership between NEXON and Samsung elevates the benchmarks of HDR gaming, setting a new precedent for picture quality in video games.
The open beta test of “The First Descendant” will begin on September 19, allowing gamers around the world to experience the more realistic HDR gameplay firsthand.
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